Mug Mania: Quiche in question

I am on cloud nine. After countless searches on Pinterest for simple yet appetizing recipes, I stumbled across one for a microwavable quiche. Not the frozen kind, but from “scratch.” All I needed was a handful of staple ingredients, a microwave, and, of course, a mug.

The prep and cooking both required minimal effort which, as you know, is what I tend to look for in a recipe. Whisking an egg, tossing in some tomatoes, bread and cheese, and turning on the microwave pretty much sums up the entire process. The bread in the recipe (I used french), acts as a substitute for the traditional pastry crust found as the base for quiches. I had some minor issues with knowing how much salt to put in because the recipe only called for a pinch, but I ended up adding two pinches in order to bring out the flavor of the dish. Although the suggested cooking time was one minute, I cooked it for two and a half minutes because the egg was still runny.

After taking the mug out of the microwave, I flipped the quiche into a bowl so that it would land bread down. This allowed it to look more like a regular quiche instead of a microwavable breakfast. Everything went so smoothly that I was almost sure I would have to dock points on taste but that was good, too. What a pleasant surprise! The tomatoes added a burst of flavor and the eggs were crazy fluffy. I guess all that whisking paid off.

All in all, I would definitely make this dish again. In the future, I might shake things up a bit by replacing the tomatoes with spinach or meat. This may be something I’d make for other people if I were the type of person who had friends over for brunch or tea parties, but unfortunately I’m an introvert who surfs the Internet for recipes that yield one serving.