Loving Vincent, a modern-day Van Gogh masterpiece

Almost a year ago, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed and came across the teaser trailer for “Loving Vincent.” I’m a huge fan of Vincent Van Gogh’s work, so when I saw the teaser trailer, I  was instantly captivated. I had been waiting for this movie to come out, so you can imagine my excitement when I finally bought my ticket.

“Loving Vincent” is a fully oil painted film. There were over 65,000 individual painted frames created and put together to tell the story of Vincent, played by Robert Gulaczyk.

The movie was set in France a year after Vincent’s death, focusing on a young man named Armand Roulin (played by Douglas Booth), the son of the Vincent’s postman and friend Joseph Roulin (Chris O’Dowd).

Armand begins his journey with a letter that was never sent: a letter written by Vincent before his death to send to his brother, Theo Van Gogh. Now, Armand had to deliver that letter.

Joseph (Chris O’Dowd) shows Vincent’s letter to Armand (Douglas Booth).

Armand then becomes obsessed with Vincent’s story and sets out to find out just who the tormented artist was.

Unfortunately, Armand was unable to deliver the letter, since Theo passed away six months after Vincent did. But this didn’t stop Armand from trying to solve the mystery behind why Vincent decided to take his life.

The movie discussed a lot of controversial topics and theories about Vincent’s death, bringing up the question or whether or not Vincent’s death was a suicide or a murder. Armand struggled to solve the mystery, nothing anyone told Armand about Vincent’s reason for suicide was satisfactory.

A mimicked work of Vincent’s self portait. Played by Robert Gulaczyk.    Photo provided by Indiewire

Vincent was only seen in flashbacks, highlighting key events to complete the movie’s plot. Being able to see how the creators of the film captured Vincent’s feelings through his works was incredible to me. I felt the heartbreak, struggles and sadness of the artist’s life. The artwork clearly displayed the emotions of the characters which made me feel what they were feeling.

In one word, I would describe this movie as breathtaking. Vincent’s paintings were brought to life, telling each of their stories of him, and it was beautiful. Vincent’s remarkable and iconic works were incorporated throughout, and it warmed my heart to see his story being conveyed through his artistic style.

What I loved most about this movie was the uniqueness of the idea to paint Vincent’s story and feelings, mimicking what Vincent was trying to do in his lifetime. I heard that “Loving Vincent” was intended to be a short, seven-minute film, but I’m so glad they decided to make it into an entire film because I would not have been happy with only seven minutes of screen time.

Throughout this movie I thought about something Vincent said in his lifetime, “If I am worth something later, I am worth something now.” He is definitely worth something now, and this movie helped prove that.