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Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye

Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye

Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye


Pretending to be OK isn’t a good habit of mine. My mind — like many others — has led me to feel it’s better for me to suppress those feelings in order to be there for others. It isn’t.

Opinion: The faces I wear

Shiren Noorani, Managing Editor
October 17, 2024
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I scanned my boarding pass and entered the tunnel: a portal. The portal that has led me “home” for the past 17 years and brought me back.

7,679 miles

Auyeh Oufi, Reporter
October 16, 2024
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The Literary Lens is a monthly blog focused on finding quality literature for every season. This edition will focus on September-themed books, from a fall themed adventure to a classic mystery.

The Literary Lens: Early Fall is a mystery

Hannah Mathew, Web Editor
October 9, 2024
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My faith had never been linear. Two years ago, I would’ve proudly preached my disbelief. After years of struggle, I made a public commitment to follow my faith.

Opinion: Washed from the inside out

Peyton Kuschmeider, Multimedia and Opinion Editor
October 9, 2024
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From my first word to my first car, my grandparents have always been there. They have always known me in different ways, yet their individual love and sense of care fits perfectly like two puzzle pieces.

Opinion: Puzzle Pieces

Shiren Noorani, Managing Editor
October 8, 2024
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This photo of my sister and I on Christmas Eve 2009, hangs on my bulletin board above my nightstand. It is a cherished memory I know I can never relive the same way again.

Opinion: The new normal

Heidi Robson, Reporter
October 7, 2024
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Volunteering has not only given me the chance to help others, but it’s given me people I can depend upon for the rest of my life.

Opinion: A community of service

Krista Fleming, Editor in Chief
October 3, 2024
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After an abysmal offseason, the Dallas Cowboys started their season with an underwhelming few games. Even with clear weaknesses and detrimental flaws being exposed by teams, the Cowboys managed to come out of the first four weeks 2-2.

Cowboys Cuts: Inconsistency is key

Gavin Lambert, Sports Editor
October 2, 2024
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Myths by the Month is a blog dedicated to tackling things I’ve been told related to mental health that are actually myths. This month, I’m talking about the common misconceptions formed about suicide.

Myths by the Month: Suicide

Shiren Noorani, Managing Editor
September 26, 2024
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Sports and business have become increasingly blended, driven by commercial interests trying to maximize profits. Sports like soccer have seen an expansion in match schedules and tournaments with seasons being the longest in history, and it could be the biggest mistake in the history of the sport.

Opinion: Profit over player

Auyeh Oufi, Reporter
September 19, 2024
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