Marvel’s “Moon Knight” is a masterpiece


Krista Fleming

Photo via Disney Plus

Released to Disney+ on March 30, “Moon Knight” follows the nerdy and charismatic Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac) as he tries to figure out why he keeps waking up in random locations. After one amnesiasc blackout that lasted more than a night, Steven makes discoveries that hint ancient Egyptian gods are at play. 

Though Marvel has excelled at making TV shows before, I was wary going into this one that it wouldn’t live up to its predecessors. Along with this came the fear of not liking the new main character, seeing as unlike any other Marvel TV show, it didn’t build off of the events of “Avengers: Endgame.” Not only did “Moon Knight” meet the Marvel standards, it also has the potential to be one of the best Marvel shows yet. 

One of the worst parts of many Marvel shows is how long it can take to get into the actual plot, but “Moon Knight” had no problem with that. The plot kicked off from the beginning and I fell in love with the characters from the start. Even though only one episode has been released, this could quickly become the best Marvel show yet. Oscar Isaac did an amazing job playing the two different characters who share a body, whether it was the murderous mercenary or lovable and confused giftshop employee. Isaac has been in numerous popular films and shows over the years, but nothing has shown off his skill set more than “Moon Night.” 

Not only was every character cast to perfection, but the technical aspect of the show blew me away, too. The set was amazing and I have no doubt the costumes will continue to impress me, like all Marvel shows do. The small amount of magic used already was done spectacularly, but that’s nothing new for Marvel. What I am most excited for is to see how they portray Egyptian mythology and artifacts from that time. I’ve spent hours of my life pouring over books that talk about Egyptian gods, and so far, Marvel is living up to everything I imagined. 

The Egyptian mythology aspect, however, brought some nerves. While “Thor: Ragnarok” showed the humorous side of the Norse gods, it took two borderline boring movies before we got the humor. Luckily, “Moon Knight” did not go on that path and was instead filled to the brim with funny moments that never distracted from the tension. 

It wasn’t all funny, though. There were many serious moments and bloody scenes, but I don’t think I would prefer it any other way. I never enjoy horror movies or creepy scenes — I barely like seeing blood on the screen — but this show didn’t feel too gruesome. 

All in all, every fear I had going into the movie was obliterated. It captured my attention immediately, which gave the audience just enough time to learn who everyone was before jumping right into the action. I can’t wait to see what Marvel does with the rest of the series, and I hope we’ll see more of Moon Knight’s story in Marvel Cinematic Universe projects to come.