”Pitch Perfect” trilogy sings its way to 10th anniversary


Photo by Universal Pictures

When I was younger, the “Pitch Perfect” movies were my favorite. I would wait eagerly for each and every movie to come out so that I could listen to their new songs . I used to sing all the iconic songs like “The Cup Song” and “Flashlight.” Since this month is the 10th year anniversary of this trilogy, here are my thoughts about them. 

“Pitch Perfect”

“Pitch Perfect” is about an all-girls acapella singing group, the Bellas, who compete in different competitions. After a tragic event at one competition, the Bellas break up. Beca (Anna Kendrick) is a freshman at Barden University and joins the Bellas, who are recruiting new members.

Throughout the movie, there is a lot of repetition. Every time the Bellas go to perform for a competition, there is always a fight about the songs they sing. Aubrey (Anna Camp) wants older songs and Beca wants newer songs with remixes. Many times, the Bellas go with Aubrey’s songs, causing them to lose competitions to their rivals, the Trebles. While the first movie is entertaining because of how much humor there is, the repetition made me bored. The first movie could have been shorter and more to the point. Even though the movie was long, the songs sung by the characters were really catchy and made the movie way more interesting than it was. 

“Pitch Perfect 2”

“Pitch Perfect 2” is very similar to the first movie. Something goes wrong, the group tries to perform, new people join, the group gets better and they win the competition. I understand that the movies would be similar; however I wish there had been a different plot. 

The only difference between the first and second movie is that you actually get to understand the characters and figure out who they are. There is a new character introduced, Emily (Hailee Steinfeld), a freshman who wants to join the Bellas. She resembles Beca from the first movie a lot, as she has iconic songs that get great reactions from the audience.

There wasn’t anything special or unique that stood out to me in “Pitch Perfect 2”.  This movie could have not been made and the third movie would still make sense. I think the directors could have combined both the first and second movie to make the original “Pitch Perfect” even more fascinating. 

“Pitch Perfect 3”

“Pitch Perfect 3” is interesting because it doesn’t focus on the Bellas singing. Though the movie does include them singing, it’s more action packed than it is a musical. Since this was the last movie in the series, I think ending it with more than just singing was the right move. The movie focused on how the Bellas only had one more chance of singing together, and how they had to make it their best, which shifted the film’s focus from the Bellas’ to Fat Amy’s (Rebel Wilson) life. 

Prior to this movie, people enjoyed Wilson’s character because of how funny she was. My favorite character is also Fat Amy because of how she doesn’t care what people think. Fat Amy constantly acts before she thinks, making her character unique. This movie being more action-packed made me more intrigued, and I didn’t find myself being bored.

Overall, the original “Pitch Perfect” would have to be my favorite compared to the other movies because of the idea being so new. “Pitch Perfect 3” would be my second favorite because of how the directors took a different turn in the plot and how exciting it made the movie. 

When I was younger and I used to watch these movies, I enjoyed them more because of their singing, but I now enjoy them less because of the plots being so closely related. If you are someone who likes movies because of their characters, than these movies are for you, but if you’re someone who watches movies for the detailed and dramatic plots then these movies won’t appeal to you. In the end, I did enjoy watching these movies, even though my love for them has changed.