“The Winchesters” should have stayed in the drafts
Two years ago brought the end of the 15-year series “Supernatural,” and as someone who has been a fan of the show since the age of 11, I was devastated. Despite this, I wasn’t excited to hear about the new spin-off, “The Winchesters,” which aired its first episode on Oct. 17 and will be on The CW every Tuesday at 8 p.m.
When the network announced the show idea, I didn’t understand the point of making a series revolving around the parents of Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) Winchester — the main “Supernatural” characters — despite their influence on the two boys. Ever since the announcement, I could only think of all of the characters who could have made for a more interesting show concept.
“The Winchesters” is a prologue to “Supernatural” that follows the love story of John Winchester (Drake Rodger) and Mary Campbell (Meg Donnelly), narrated by their eldest son, Dean. The first episode takes place in 1958 with John coming home after serving in Vietnam, soon continuing his goal to learn more about his absent father. Through this, he meets Mary and discovers the life of hunting supernatural entities, and that his dad is somehow connected. The two then embark on a journey to not only help John learn more about his father, but to also locate Mary’s dad, Samuel Campbell (Tom Welling), who went missing on a hunt.
John suddenly discovering the hunting life quickly raised questions with me. In “Supernatural,” John didn’t know monsters existed until Mary was killed by one a few years into their marriage, which led him to start hunting in the first place. Why this change? Are they rewriting these details to make it fit better with the story, or is there an explanation that ties into it later? Why does the journal where he keeps track of all supernatural entities not start in ‘58 then?
On top of that confusion, we’re also introduced to two other characters, Carlos (Jojo Fleites) and Latika (Nida Khurshid), who were never mentioned in “Supernatural,” yet seem to be important in “The Winchesters.” Don’t get me wrong, I loved Carlos and everything he brought to the first episode, but I’m a little lost as to what the purpose of these two characters will be since they don’t add much besides comedy and flair.
Though I disliked the array of plot differences from the original show, the cheesy lines and mediocre acting of the two main characters, “The Winchesters” was full of great reminders as to why this show was created. The first episode had a plethora of “Supernatural” references, which brought a smile to my face, as it reminded me of the nights my sister and I would spend binging the show.
Though “The Winchesters” brought that nostalgic energy to the screen that I’ve been missing since “Supernatural” ended, I don’t think it’s something I’ll continue watching or keeping up with weekly. However, Jensen Ackles and his wife, Daneel, are closely involved with creating the show. Both have been known to share very similar opinions with the majority of fans regarding the good and bad of “Supernatural,” so I can only hope this show makes progress through the allotted 13 episodes that will air.

Senior Shehzil Imran is the feature editor and this is her third year on staff. In her free time, she enjoys watching horror movies, writing and doing...