Fashion club to start at Hebron

Photo by Grace Edgeworth

FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) Fashion Club exposes students to the field of fashion design and creates a space for students to enjoy art.

FIDM Club is fully virtual, with meetings that will take place over WebEx. Any student can join by messaging the organization through their Instagram or speaking to the club sponsor, art teacher Caleb Jacks.

“It’s not selective or anything,” club president and senior Sarah Rizvi said. “All you have to do is show up to meetings. We want it to be a relaxed club so people can just enjoy what they’re doing without any academic obligations.”

The main purpose of the club is to provide a space for students to focus on art, rather than academics. The club does not require members work on projects exclusively involving fashion. Members are encouraged to join meetings in order to focus on anything art-related.

“A lot of people aren’t interested in fashion, or that’s not the direction they’re wanting to go in their [careers], but [the club] is adding some variation,” club co-president and senior Sannidhi Udayagiri said. “It exposes them to a new set of hobbies.”

In addition to providing a space for art and fashion, FIDM Fashion Club offers scholarship opportunities for members. Members who join the club can automatically register for a $5,000 scholarship to FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising). Juniors who join can apply for a full scholarship.

“There’s a lot of [scholarship] opportunities and there’s also competitions that you can enter to get scholarships as well,” Rizvi said.

The club has not yet announced its first official meeting date, but Rizvi said the club plans to meet twice a month. Students who are interested are encouraged to reach out. Some students have already expressed interest in joining the club. 

“I’m interested in all types of art, whether it be painting or fashion, and I thought the club would be a super interesting way to pick up a new hobby,” senior Claire Song said. “I do thrift flip a lot and have made my own clothing before, so I thought it would be a good experience to be a part of the club.”

Updates on meeting times and club activities will be posted on their Instagram. The club plans to use meetings to do fashion based activities.

“High school is really stressful and a lot of [students] are involved with the academic part of school like grades, so [they] don’t really have a good time or place to just relax and do something that they might feel is a hobby that they can’t do anymore,” Rizvi said. “This is a space where [students] can be proud of something other than their academic achievements.”