Fourteen participants advance to state in VASE competition

Photo by Aparnna Manoj

Three art pieces that were entered into the VASE competition that was held at Hebron on Feb. 25.

Students took part in the Texas State VASE (Visual Arts Scholastic Exhibition) regional competition on Feb. 25 at Hebron. There were over 2600 pieces of artwork entered, and 14 students advanced to the state competition in April.

“I think, as an art student, it’s important to have your art looked at and for you to collaborate with other students,” art teacher Jennifer Russell said. “VASE allows us to do all that and it’s just important for [the students] to get their artwork out there. It invites the community to look at all the things the kids are doing.”

Hebron was the host school for the event for the second consecutive year, bringing together different schools who also competed. Around 66 students from Hebron entered into the competition.

“I think we did really well,” Russell said. “We do really well in the traditional and classic, and VASE is more of a traditional contest anyway. I’m trying to branch us out, and get into different media, that is something we need to work on.”