Opinion: Texas’s New Senate Bills Feels Like A Violation of My Rights

The Texas senators have voted for the authorization of the postage of the 10 Christian Commandments in all public school classrooms. I believe nobody should force an opinion on someone else, much less religion.

On what I thought to be an ordinary Monday morning, I walked into the ninth grade center, not expecting to get news that would spark such shock within me. I found out that the Texas senators developed a new bill that requires the posting of the 10 Christian Commandments in all public school classrooms, beginning at the start of the 2023-2024 school year, or on Sept. 1.

This bill promotes Christian superiority over the other religious populations in Texas, a superiority built on years of deep-rooted religious discrimination in Texan history. Being a Muslim-American raised in Texas, I have dealt with multiple racist experiences, many of which targeted my religion. This bill being passed feels like an attack on my religion, a feeling I know is shared within many of my non-Christian and Christian peers. After discussing the bill with my peers, it has become a topic at the forefront of my mind. I believe nobody should force an opinion on someone else, much less religion.

District 89 Rep. Candy Noble said to the Austin American-Statesman that “the 10 Commandments are significant to American history because the document informed the country’s founding principles,” something I believe to be complete propaganda. Noble, while being someone with more power than me – an average high schooler – is misusing her platform to spread misinformation and pass laws. She has failed at representing the large religious/cultural makeup of Texas – which is the sixth most diverse state in the United States – and in turn, failed to represent me.

As an American and a Texan, I believe there are many more things our state can worry about. Following the events of the Uvalde shooting only 300 miles away from me, seeing that my state’s government did nothing to eradicate the possibility of this happening again was a punch in the gut; not only to me, but to every student in Texas. Instead of keeping the 3,500 students that make up my school safe, they are making it an environment that makes me feel unsafe as a Muslim and student.

Along with Senate Bill 1515, Senate Bill 1396 allows schools to set aside time to worship and read the Bible, as long as it is not instructional time. This is particularly infuriating, as I would have to take out time from instruction to pray namaz during the month of Ramadan, something not set aside for me and people of my religion. This shows the obvious prejudice against other religions in Texas.

Regardless of your age and power, I urge you to reach out to your local senator. This is necessary to ensure religious freedom and power in the supposed “land of the free.” The governor had 10 days to veto the bill, and since he didn’t, it automatically became the law. If you click on this link, it will tell you who your senator is. Once you find that out, contact them incessantly. They need to know the people of Texas do not stand for this.