Volleyball to play Flower Mound Oct.14


Nyla Smith

Coach Karin Keeney gives team pep talk before their next drill called “The Wave” at practice on Oct.13. The drill involves two serving and passing groups that play against each other. The goal of the passers is to get five passes in two minutes without over-passing or letting the ball hit the floor, while the goal of the servers is to “attack” the opposing passers.

The volleyball team will play Flower Mound for a second time this season on Oct.14 in the Hawk Arena at 6:30 p.m. 

“[This season] has been amazing in some respects and really frustrating and hard in others,” head coach Karin Keeney said. “It’s not the season my seniors wanted, but I’m really proud of the kids [and] the work and effort that they’re putting in right now.” 

In the team’s first game against Flower Mound, the Hawks lost by a score of 3-0. 

“Flower Mound’s been strong the last few years in our district,” Keeney said. “This year they’re still strong, but not as strong as they’ve been. I’m hoping my kids will come out on fire and make them play at a high level to win.”     

Both teams have younger students in their starting lineup. To prepare for the game, the team is watching tapes and studying Flower Mound’s techniques and habits.

“There’s definitely been some ups and downs,” senior and team captain Hannah Redrow said. “We’ve been working hard and improving [our skills,] as well as improving our team chemistry.”

The team won’t make the playoffs this year, as they currently have a loss to win ratio of 10-26. However, Keeney says that this doesn’t define the team.

“Our record does not indicate what this team is capable of or the amount of progress they’ve made,” Keeney said. “If I could give them a most improved [award I would,] because they’ve come so far and they’ve trusted in the process, [and] in their coaches teammates. I couldn’t be more proud. Even though it’s been one of the hardest years I’ve ever coached as far as the win-loss records, the kids have made it great.”