School to host first ever feeder pattern art show
The art department will be hosting its first ever feeder pattern art show May 22 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m in the cafeteria and is open to the public. All schools in Hebron’s feeder pattern had the opportunity to cover two tables each with artwork from their students. Hebron currently has around 20-25 sketchbooks that will be on display at the show.
“Their sketchbook has been worked on all year,” art teacher Jennifer Russell said. “It’s the culmination of the year’s worth of sketches. Some of them have a thicker sketchbook because they’ve done mixed media, but some of them contain strictly drawing. Everybody’s sketchbook is different.”
The sketchbook project, a library future art students can look at to kind of gain inspiration, is the last major compilation of pieces that Russell’s AP students have to create. There was a literary theme for this year’s sketchbook.
“We wanted to benefit our Hebron community and just kind of put us out there,” Russell said. “We’ve been on a reading and writing initiative for a few years, so we thought that would be a cool way to integrate another subject into the arts.”
Senior Jeremy Bowden’s sketchbook will be featured in this upcoming event. He has put almost a year into the pieces compiled in his sketchbook. He started building his college portfolio his sophomore year and has just been accepted into ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California.
“I feel like there’s a lot of really good talent that not a whole lot of people see at Hebron,” Bowden said. “I think there’s a lot of potential, even at the middle schools and elementary schools, and it should be really interesting to see what comes to the tables.”
After a few years of planning, all the feeder schools will finally be able to showcase their art at one event. Russell said this has been something she has been working on putting together for a while, so the art program is more than ready to show off the pieces the students have worked on as well as see the potential the middle and elementary school students have.
“I feel like the arts are always really important to get recognized,” Bowden said. “Around here, athletics and academics [get] recognized a lot, but in reality the arts are just as important.”
Senior Brent Ravina is also going to have his work featured in the show. He got into art around middle school when he was required to take an art class, and his interest grew from there. Now, he spends one-to-two weeks on each of his pieces and plans to study architecture in art school.
“I think that people are really scared to take art classes, but they shouldn’t be,” Ravina said. “I think that they should explore and try it. Everybody should take an art class just to see if they like it.”
Due to Russell’s class schedule, the students this year had two semesters to finish their sketchbook. The art department has been looking for more recognition lately due to their success at competitions, and the show is a way of raising awareness about the talent at Hebron.
“The art show is a good way to showcase the art department,” Ravina said. “We win a lot of competitions and a lot of awards, and I think it’s good people are taking notice of it.”
Since this is the first ever art show, everyone in the district is encouraged to come. If turn-out goes well, this could become an annual event.
“This is all about showcasing my students and future Hawks,” Russell said. “We’re just excited to get together and finally do something with our feeder pattern.”

Sophomore Kellie Casburn is a reporter and this is her first year on staff. She enjoys writing, drawing, heavy metal, and watching Supernatural. [email protected]