“Icebreaker” will thaw your heart


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Toxicity is quite normalized in literature nowadays; books hold a great amount of miscommunication that can be unbearable at times. I’m glad to say Hannah Grace’s “Icebreaker” shattered that norm.

The book follows figure skater Anastasia Allen who has a strict schedule, determination and an obsession with being perfect. Hockey captain Nathan Hawkins lives a life where he’s able to find a solution to everyone’s problems. After a misunderstanding interferes with the ice, the hockey team and the skaters are forced to share. Anastasia and Nathan find themselves drawn to each other, and the attraction grows as the book progresses.

The dynamic between these characters was something special. I loved the moments where the reader is in one of their heads and Anastasia or Nathan don’t understand what they were feeling, but the reader has a snippet of what was coming. These two had one of the healthiest book relationships I’ve seen. The small domestic moments and the communication between them made the reading experience much more enjoyable. 

The only aspect I didn’t enjoy about the book was how slow it felt at times. It was hard to get through it because there were moments where I didn’t care enough to read through everything that took place; those moments failed to hook my attention.

There could have been much more conflict in this book. It didn’t feel like there were many large events, so the author could have included those to keep the reader hooked.

While reading the book, I had a personal connection to Anastasia and her need to impress everyone around her. The author did a great job making these characters relatable and interesting to read about. 

If you’re in need of an easy read with complex characters and healthy communication, “Icebreaker” is that book. I went into this book with uncertainty, but my expectations were exceeded.