Children’s theater class to perform “The Wizard of Oz” May 6
Theater will perform a showcase on May 6 in the cafeteria featuring “The Wizard of Oz” performed by the children’s theater class at 3 p.m., the advanced freshman showcase at 7 p.m. and the Funny-Side Up improv troupe at 8 p.m. Tickets will cost $5 at the door.
“One of the biggest challenges of [directing] ‘The Wizard of Oz’ is that it’s an incredibly tech-heavy show,” head director Chelsey Thornburg said. “A lot of people assume that [since] it’s a children’s show, [it’s] easy. However, when you start focusing on every individual need [of the production], [people] start to realize that it’s not a cheap or easy show [to produce].”
Another important part of the show is the Oz puppet, which stands at over five feet tall. The piece is being designed and constructed by technical director Dean Robertson, who has made puppets for productions in the past.
“My job as the technical director is to find out what the head director’s vision is, then make that happen,” Robertson said. “Once I start working on something, I always show [Thornburg] the drawings and we’ll make an [inspiration] board. I think [the show] will be very enjoyable, and it’s [to be performed] for a children’s theater class, [however] we still want the ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ effect, which can be expensive sometimes, but I think it’s going to make a good show.”
The children’s theater class has been preparing for “The Wizard of Oz,” whether that be the technical design or acting aspect of the show. The class has been practicing daily in the cafeteria to rehearse blocking and lines.
“We’ve been putting [the show] together since the start of this semester and we’re all really excited to put it on and perform it for everyone,” senior Max Harte said. “We’re really fortunate to be able to be able to rehearse in class, so if you ever hear people yelling in the cafeteria, that’s probably us.”
Harte will be playing the lead, Dorothy, in the production of the Wizard of Oz. Harte has been in Hebron Theatre since freshman year, but this will be their first time playing a lead in a production.
“A children’s audience is way tougher, because kids are just brutal,” Harte said. “We really have to sell it, because if you don’t sell it, they’ll let you know. If they don’t like it, they’re not going to cut you any slack.”
Robertson said that due to the performance being aimed towards children the show will be shorter to accommodate shorter attention spans.
“I always tell people that it doesn’t matter how big or small the show is, it still takes everything to make it worth an audience,” Robertson said.
Sophomore Bree Andrews is a reporter and this is her first year on staff. In her free time she enjoys spending too much time on Pinterest, watching cheesy...